Non-Academic Facets


Yoga is an integral part of our curriculum. Our Annual Sports Day is a keenly awaited event where the children showcase their sporting prowess. We conduct a Mini Olympics in our school every four years to create awareness about this mega sporting event amongst our little ones. For our children with Special Needs, an interactive Sports Day is organised every year where the parents are invited to be a part of the proceedings.

Value-Based Programme

In order to inculcate basic human values in our children, a value is selected for the week and incorporated in a make-believe story which is then narrated through the week. The same story is mailed to the parents as well. The purpose of doing so is to encourage the parents to read out the story to the child on a daily basis to reinforce the value that has been taken up. Every Friday, the story is enacted by the teachers in the Morning Assembly. In the case of our four-year olds, they themselves enact out the story with the entire school as the audience. The teachers are the role models in school and the parents at home.

Community Service (SEWA)

It has been our constant endeavour to sensitise our children to the hardships faced by our fellow countrymen and people the world over. We sent money, and dry rations to a school in Orissa meant for the underprivileged for a few years. Another year, we donated blankets during the winters to the homeless across the city via an NGO called the Uday foundation. Dry rations were sent to Nepal when an earthquake ravaged property and lives in that country. Children are made to appreciate the sacrifices made and hardships faced by our soldiers while protecting our borders. They have made rakhis and cards for our soldiers from time to time.

Special Assemblies

We hold these on a monthly basis. The children are given a platform to build their confidence and get over stage fright via the medium of music and dance.

  • News Reading

    This exercise is meant for our four-year olds. A day is assigned to each child when he/she brings in a small placard bearing a piece of relevant news that the child describes in the Morning Assembly.

  • State Assemblies

    State Assemblies are conducted to further acquaint our children with the distinguishing features/characteristics of the different parts of our country. Each class takes up a State and studies in detail its cuisine, attire, language, art and craft, music and dance forms. This is done through PPTs, storytelling, art and craft activities and preparing the staple dishes of the state. All this is made possible by the meticulous planning and wholehearted involvement of our parents. This month-long adventure comes to a befitting end with brilliant performances put up by the children and their mothers.

  • Festivals

    Our rich, diverse culture is elucidated to the children by way of celebrating festivals with a lot of zest and fervour. The significance of the festival is explained through enactments and takeaways that are made by the children.

  • Annual Concert

    Our Annual Concert is based on a theme that invariably revolves around a crucial topic that requires immediate attention and action. For instance, our concert last year was based on our environment and the pressing need to restore it to the condition that was enjoyed by our grandparents.